Statesman Write-Up on Mussoorie Writers Festival

I was forwarded a link by way of Google+ on a great little write-up of the Mussoorie Writers Festival I attended in September.

I thought about live tweeting the festival, but it would have been problematic in several ways, so I ended up not doing it. So it is nice to have seen that someone else was paying attention. I also met a great group of writers, two in particular — Sonja Chandrachud and Neela Venkatraman.

Oh, and did I mention that I sat on a couch right next to Ruskin Bond for an entire evening before leaving to come home? I bit of an icing on the cake, if you ask me. Even though I had not previously heard of him before.

Anyway, here is the link to the write-up.

Joshua Gray

Washington DC native poet that now lives in Kentucky.

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