Category: Poet of Indian Origin

Monsoon Withdrawal

Monsoon Withdrawal

Well, I thought the monsoon would spur on a poem, and I was right. When I was up in Mussoorie for the writers festival, I ascended the hill in a dense early morning fog...

Two book announcements

Two book announcements

First, today is my sister’s birthday! So Happy Birthday sis! And what a better day than to officially announce that my Beowulf book is now available as an electronic book. Pre-Fire Kindle users may...

Letter to the Airlines

Letter to the Airlines

Dear Indian Airline Industry Head Honcho Dude, I recently took a round-trip domestic flight; I believe it’s the second one I have taken this year as well as the second one I have taken...

More on dramatic poetry

More on dramatic poetry

In my blog post on Harry Potter and the dramatic poem I made the statement that I had written narrative poetry but not dramatic poetry. But after cracking open my poetry bible, The Art...

A Country Divided

A Country Divided

I woke up this morning cold. This is the second time this has happened. Yesterday, once my day got going, I warmed up; today however, my bones are still cold. It is early September...