One of the reasons we moved here
I am a mountain person. Always have been. Always will be. Living in Washington DC for 15 years pretty much took its toll. The mountains are only 60 miles away from DC, but getting to them is a whole other issue. With the traffic, the family, the job, it makes it hard.
So moving to Kodaikanal was in part a response for the desire to live in mountains. Unfortunately, we live in a strange area of the Kodaikanl district — we have to take a taxi ride to see any mountains. We know we are in them — it is 7000 ft + high — and it feels like a mountain town, but the view isn’t there.
One hike we can go on is called Dolphin’s Nose — it is a rock overlooking a great view. My wife and I hiked down the steep trail — which is all rocks in some parts and all roots in others — a while back, but it was covered in clouds and so we never saw the gorgeous view. Yesterday however, with my parents in town for a two-week visit, I took the boys and my mom to Dolphin’s Nose. All I can say is, wow. If only pictures from an iPhone did anything breathtaking justice. Still, here is the Palini mountain range where we live.